Dog and Cat

Summer 2006. Did this one with Eric Tilton. follow dog's budding writing career! check it on youtube too.

The Grouch

Early 2006. A little bit of fairytale, a little bit of kid's folk song, a little bit of grim victorian morality. here's a website with more information

Capo il Diavolo

Winter 2005. My sexual harassment training opera. starring Arika Tiltovski and Guillaume Chartier.


Summer 2005. A tracey ullman song i really like. lotsa energy!

Whatta Pal!

Fall 2004. Cut-out animation... true story too! happened to my granddad when he was teaching pottery. the kid had to be taken away in an ambulance!

Kitchen Gardeners Promo

Spring 2004. Did this one for the rad folks at check them out!

'Rilla Love

Spring 2004. Cool song by the rubinoos... tried out a bit of 3d animation. really just an excuse to use a clip from "fierce creatures"!

Don't Be Mean

Fall 2003. This song's by the raincoats... check it

Wandering Soul

Fall 2003. Goofy goofy goofy... makes me laugh though.