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  The Grouch is a modern retelling of a traditional, non-existent Irish folktale. Told in catchy-jingle form, these tales were commonly not told around campfires and in pubs across Europe. This particular tale was not passed down by word-of-mouth over the generations, and scholars at Oxford did not spend years collecting, translating and interpreting it. Yet here it is, today, on your computer screen. Go figure.

  The titular character, one Mr. Grouch, is unhappy with his lot in life, and he lets people know it. Fed up with his breakfast table grumblings, his mother convinces him to go on a quest to prove just how terrible his life really is. Reluctantly, the little bastard gets on his horse to find a wretch with a life worse than his own... if one even exists at all.

  It was written and created by Eliot Morrison. The music was written and performed by Eric Tilton, with additional musicians. They are, in short order:

Justin Jones
on Cello and Tin Whistle
Genevieve Bennett
on Flute
Sean Plaisted
on Glockenspiel

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